Tuesday 17 July 2018

Alternative ideas for the Town Centre

THURSDAY 18 July between 2 and 4pm along the avenue of lime trees

Come along to the Town Centre, the avenue of lime trees, to see the ideas international student architects have. Central St.Martins hosts a summer school for final year architects from around the world. Interestingly they were not impressed with the current plans and some of the displays will highlight this and others will have real vision of how the Town Square could be with proper imagination being applied. Well worth a visit.

Garden Party - a great success

The Walthamstow Garden Party, organised by the Barbican and numerous community groups, last weekend was the best yet with perfect weather for the whole period. Thousands queued for access and many of the stalls had moved into the 21st century only wanting to take card payments and not cash. Glasses were on a deposit so they they would be reused - apparently each glass can be washed 500 times before being put on the compost heap!



Since our train shortage started on 2nd July, barely a day has passed without cancellations and delays. Those with long enough memories say that the situation is every bit as bad as the last days of the heritage diesel sets, before the arrival of the second-hand Sprinters from the West Midlands in 1999. Below are the figures for the first week.
02 July – 7 July 2018
Planned Cancellations
Planned part cancellations
Unplanned cancellations
Unplanned part cancellations
3+ minutes late
10+ minutes late
 A small group of dedicated members is kept busy monitoring the service on the ground and from open data sources on the internet. The latter enable us to monitor movements from and to Bombardier’s Derby Litchurch Lane works. On Tuesday, 10th July, while Jerry Gold and I were attending City Hall, another Class 710 unit, believed to be 710 263, was delivered to Willesden TMD. Through contacts at Modern Railways, it was discovered that Network Rail had still not issued the needed approval for Class 710, but Bombardier was moving units to Willesden in anticipation of receiving NR approval. The cynical might say that the move was because Litchurch Lane works was stuffed full of stored Class 710s!
The London Assembly Transport Committee is embarking on an investigation entitled The future of rail in London. BGORUG was invited to attend and make a presentation on Priorities for the rail network to a round table discussion at City Hall on Tuesday 10th July. Jerry Gold put together an excellent presentation which was well received by the Assembly Members. They also accepted a supplementary paper on the current rolling stock crisis. To see both the presentation notes and the supplementary note on our website go to https://tinyurl.com/ydhk57rq .
Three Assembly Members have tabled questions to the Mayor regarding the current crisis.
Our former Secretary, the late Richard Pout with Caroline Pidgeon MBE AM on 23/03/2012

Barking to Gospel Oak Overground service (1)

Caroline Pidgeon (19-Jul-2018)
When does the lease that Arriva Rail London holds on eight Class172 diesel multiple units (172001 - 172008) owned by Angel Trains leasing expire?
An answer to this question will be uploaded within one week of the meeting.

Barking to Gospel Oak Overground service (2)

Caroline Pidgeon (19-Jul-2018)
What contingency planning has Transport for London carried out to ensure that the eight Class172 diesel multiple units (172001 - 72008) will not be transferred to West Midlands Railway before eight New Class710 electric multiple units have entered service on the Barking to Gospel Oak Overground service?
An answer to this question will be uploaded within one week of the meeting.

Inline image
Jennette Arnold OBE AM with BGORUG's Jerry Gold & Glenn Wallis on 19/01/2018

New trains on Barking - Gospel Oak Line

Jennette Arnold (19-Jul-2018)
Will the Mayor confirm whether new trains will be available for passenger service on the Barking - Gospel Oak by November 2018, given that the existing diesel fleet is being moved to enhance services in the West Midlands?
An answer to this question will be uploaded within one week of the meeting.

On-platform signage to the lifts at Blackhorse Road Station.

Jennette Arnold (19-Jul-2018)
Transport for London (TfL) has still not installed on-platform signage to the lifts at Blackhorse Road Station, months after they started operating.  As a result, people struggle up the stairs with buggies, luggage etc, because they don't realise there are lifts further along the platform.  Questions and chasers to TfL about this have so far produced vague promises but no action - not even temporary signs. Does the Mayor share the despair of so many of my constituents who are regular users of this station, and what will the Mayor do about it?  
An answer to this question will be uploaded within one week of the meeting.

Improved Platforms, Stairs, Access & Exit Routes at Blackhorse Road Station.

Jennette Arnold (19-Jul-2018)
The extensive regeneration and building programme around Blackhorse Lane is bound to put increasing pressure on Blackhorse Road station, where the Overground platforms and the steps leading to them are very narrow and in need of widening, leading even now to congestion especially at peak times.  What measures are planned by Transport for London to address this?
An answer to this question will be uploaded within one week of the meeting.

Walthamstow Central tube station

Jennette Arnold (21-Jun-2018)
You have recently announced funding for improvements to Walthamstow Central Tube Station if the Walthamstow Town Centre Redevelopment goes ahead. However, there is no mention of any improvements to Walthamstow Queens Road station nearby. This is also very near the development on the increasingly busy Overground Gospel-Oak Barking line, but it has no direct access from the town centre area. Will you please consider extending the planned transport enhancements to include improved access to Queens Road station, e.g. by means of a direct subway link under the Chingford line?
The Mayor (21-Jun-2018)
Transport for London (TfL) does not plan to change the existing link with Walthamstow Queen's Road station as part of its improvements to Walthamstow Central Tube station. Customers interchanging between the two stations can use the existing direct pathway.
TfL believes that the cost involved in building such a link as proposed in your question would not be good value for money considering the number of customers expected to use it.

Inline image
Andrew Dismore AM

Barking to Gospel Oak Line

Andrew Dismore (19-Jul-2018)
In May, Transport for London promised users of the Barking to Gospel Oak line that there would be 5 extra peak time trains until the longer electric trains were introduced later in the summer. Now that extra service has been withdrawn; and the electric trains introduction has slipped to November: what has been going on? And is this acceptable?
An answer to this question will be uploaded within one week of the meeting.

Glenn Waliis
Barking - Gospel Oak Rail User Group

Wood Street Library Update 2

Despite allowing Wood Street First to address the Cabinet meeting the Chair and Vice Chair had already decided the scheme should go ahead and the rest of the Cabinet just followed their lead and voted in favour. I think it is called a dictatorship! It was a total waste of our time trying to lobby the "strong leader" as she clearly wants to destroy anything old or attractive.

As a result of the Cabinet decision today a new library will be cobbled together using 3 new shop units in the Marlowe Road development, the existing building will be demolished and to comply with the London Plan a tall building, probably 20 storeys, will be built by a private developer to provide a Gateway in to Wood Street to complement the existing St.David's tower block.

The council has wanted to do this for years so once the new library opens, probably in early 2019, the old library will handed over to the new developer who will commence work sometime next year. To achieve that timescale a consultation of the new building to replace the existing one may well be in August when we are all on holiday!

What is the point of getting involved in local community matters when those in power despise you so much!

For more info.....

Wednesday 11 July 2018

The mess the council has created in Walthamstow Town Centre

Surely this is what people really need and is good for the environment

Wood Street Libray - update 1

After a year of fake news it appears the original story that Wood Street Library is to move to the new Marlowe Road estate is true. 3 new shop units are to be acquired by the council to house a new library and the old one sold for £2.6m to fund the move and the refurbishment of Lea Bridge Library. It is wrong to sell off this community iconic building, a gateway into Wood Street, for a cheap modern indistinguishable building. It is another defeat for the public who have opposed the sell off of the iconic building. Why should a primary school be subjected to another building site on its doorstep?

The Cabinet decides at its meeting on the 17th July.

Cabinet Decision about Wood Street Library

Report of new plans


Wood Street Library Plans