Saturday 17 November 2012

Funding for Projects in High Street Ward

Funding for projects in Hoe Street Ward

The Hoe Street Community Ward Forum has £10,000 to spend on local projects this coming year.
Are you a Voluntary Group/Organisation that can deliver any of the projects below to the residents of Hoe Street ward?
You can download an application form from Voluntary Action's website here.
Please email your completed application form to dawn.polis@walthamforest.gov.ukquoting reference: Hoe Street 2012/13vg
The Closing date of all applications is Friday 16 November 2012 at 5pm.
For more details on community ward forums please visit:
There is no guarantee that funding will be provided for these projects. If your application is successful, we will require you to be flexible when receiving funds and when delivering and closing your project.
Local Projects required
1. Creative artist led workshops exploring issues around mental health, well-being, work and housing needs. Workshops to include screening of films, talks, creative writing, exhibitions, etc – Seeking voluntary group to provide the above workshops. Approximate value of project £4,900. Applicants are required to put forward their project proposal which should contain:
• A project plan of the sessions you will offer.
• Details of staffing, together with their experience and qualifications.
• Details of your experience in conducting similar projects
• Costs (ex VAT)
2. Mentoring project for young people and young adults - Seeking voluntary group to provide the above project for school leavers, those who are “NEET”. Approximate value of project £3,900. Applicants are required to put forward their project proposal which should contain:
• A project plan of the sessions you will offer.
• Details of staffing, together with their experience and qualifications.
• Details of your experience in conducting similar projects
• Costs (ex VAT)
3. Mentoring project for young people and young adults - Seeking voluntary group to provide the above project for school leavers, those who are “NEET”. Approximate value of project £3,900. Applicants are required to put forward their project proposal which should contain:
• A project plan of the sessions you will offer.
• Details of staffing, together with their experience and qualifications.
• Details of your experience in conducting similar projects
• Costs (ex VAT)
4. Project to address anti-social behaviour in the ward for young people - Seeking voluntary group to provide the above classes. Applicants are required to put forward their project proposal which should contain:
• A project plan of the sessions you will offer.
• Details of staffing, together with their experience and qualifications.
• Details of your experience in conducting similar projects
• Costs (ex VAT)
5. Local street artist required to decorate the wall behind the play dragon in Wingfield Park during a community event. Approximate value of project £700. Applicants are required to put forward their project proposal which should contain:
• A project plan
• Details of their experience in conducting similar projects and qualifications.
• Costs (ex VAT)

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