Monday 12 November 2012

Potential Housing Sites

London-wide call for potential housing sites

The 2011 London Plan made a commitment to update the housing supply figures and housing targets in the Plan by 2015/16. Carrying out a new Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment is crucial to this process.
The Greater London Authority, in partnership with the London Boroughs is issuing a call for sites to be included in the London-wide Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment. The purpose of the study is to update the borough-level housing targets in a further alteration to the London Plan and to provide evidence for borough Local Development Frameworks of the land availability to meet those targets. The study will assess a substantial number of sites across London for their potential to help address London’s housing needs. These will include site proposed during the call.
All sites over 0.25 hectares will be considered as part of the study and assessed using strategic and local information through a revised version of the London Housing Capacity Study System.
In order to facilitate borough-led assessment of potential housing sites the GLA is asking for key information about sites including site boundaries in GIS format. The information, including contact details, will enable boroughs to assess individual sites using the system and to contact site proposers and developers where appropriate.
The call for sites will be open until the 28th January 2013.
Site boundaries and information should be provided, where possible, in GIS format.
The GLA has prepared a GIS-based pro-forma which should be used to provide information and boundaries for proposed sites. The pro-forma and information about GIS requirements are available from, and should be returned to, Mike Newitt:
Email: mike.newitt@london.gov.uk
Telephone: 020 7980 4782
If you would like further information on the London SHLAA – please contact Jennifer Peters;
Email: jennifer.peters@london.gov.uk
Telephone: 020 7980 5835
Photo taken by Belinda Lawley.

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