Tuesday 11 December 2012

Granada (EMD) Inquiry Update

CPO & Inquiry update

Waltham Forest Council have agreed in principal to issue a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) to
force UCKG to sell the EMD which could then be bought by Waltham Forest Cinema Trust and
revived as a top class cinema and live entertainment venue.

This is a very positive step, however it is crucially dependant on UCKG losing both planning appeals
currently being discussed at the Public Inquiry.

So far at the Inquiry, UCKG's barrister stated they would let go of the EMD 'over my dead body'
and no films with 'blasphemy' could be screened.
Read UCKG's response to the possibility of a CPO here

We hope as many supporters as possible can attend the remaining days of this vitally important Inquiry,
Wednesday 12th December 
when speakers for and against UCKG's plans will make their case.

Paul Griffiths - the government's Planning Inspector handling this case will write a report
following the Inquiry, recommending UCKG's plans are either approved or rejected. The final decision will be
made by the Communities' Secretary (Eric Pickles), probably in Spring 2013.

If you are interested in attending we recommend that you try to come on one of the following days, when the Inquiry will be taking place in the Assembly Hall:
Wednesday 12th December
Thursday 13th December
Wednesday 19th December
You can also attend on any or all of the following days, but on these days the Inquiry will be in the Council Chamber and space will be limited, and available on a ‘first come first served' basis
Tuesday 11th December
Friday 14th December
Tuesday 18th December
If you are interested in attending and speaking at the Inquiry, a day has been reserved for this – Wednesday 12th December. If possible you should organise your time so that you can attend and speak on this day.
We also recommend that you:
    • Email the same details (your name, the topic you want to speak on and, if possible, a written note of what you plan to say) to Martha Clark (Martha.Clark@walthamforest.gov.uk) or write to Martha c/o London Borough of Waltham Forest, Sycamore House. Rear of Walthamstow Town Hall. Forest Road.Walthamstow E17 4JF
The Inspector will not refuse permission for any third party to speak on other days; this is simply to try to be as fair as possible to all of the third parties who want to make their views known.

We've put together some questions & answers on what happens at the public inquiry here

If you would like to speak at the inquiry and want advice or guidance, please
email hello@savewalthamstowcinema.org and we'll do our best to help.

Please check our website or facebook & twitter for updates.

Thank you for your support

Please email hello@savewalthamstowcinema.org

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