Monday 24 December 2012

Flood Alerts in Waltham Forest

From Stella Creasy MP's newsletter

Flood Alert for the Lower Lee Tributaries
The Environment Agency has released a flood alert for the Lower Lee Tributaries in which they say flooding is possible and people should be prepared. Possible flooding has been alerted for Nazeing Brook, Ching Brook, Cobbins Brook, Pymmes Brook, Rags Brooks, Salmons Brook, Turkey Brook, Trinity Marsh Ditch and Small River Lee.

The Lower River Lee Tributaries have risen in response to heavy, prolonged rainfall received last night, particularly in the Lower Nazeing, Waltham Abbey and Bulls Cross areas. Rivers are expected to continue rising through this afternoon, resulting in flooding to lower lying land, road and gardens next to the river. Surface water flooding can also be expected in some locations. They will continue to monitor the situation.

If you need advice or need to report any flooding you should call Floodline on 0845 988 1188 – for quick up-to-date flooding information select option 1 and enter Quickdial number 172912.


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