Monday 24 December 2012

Sandy Lane

Dear Martin

Please see attached photo.
In case you are unaware, the Ice Centre end of Sandy Lane around Kings Head bridge is again in an unusable state, and is about as unwelcoming as could be imagined. It's been churned up by vehicles and offers a choice of wading through water or getting shoes filthy in the ridges of soft mud and sand.  

With more heavy rain due, what a great Christmas present this will be for people hoping to go out for a nice walk on the marshes.

The situation has evidently arisen as a result of the ODA's abuse of the unprotected track at the entrance to the construction site which caused compaction and damage and has been worsened by incompetent attempts to regrade it.
It can only be described as an absolute mess, and is physically preventing access for local people using the most popular access point, over Kings Head bridge, or via the Ice Centre.
 Iwatched a family with a buggy cross the bridge, have a look at it, then have to turn round and go back. I found it almost impossible to clean the sticky sand out of my running trainers.

I saw contractors working on the track on Friday a week ago, adding what appears to be soft sand, and the present shamblesseems to be a result of their activities. Were these working for the LVRPA or is this a continuing legacy of the ODA 'reinstatement'?

Could you let me know who is responsible for this and what is being to correct the situation?

Have a good festive season


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