Friday 25 January 2013

Blackhorse Lane Consultation

Dear Sir or Madam,

You will recall we contacted you in November last year to let you know of MacDonald Egan’s proposals to redevelop the southern end of Blackhorse Lane, Walthamstow, E17.

The plans, which are part of the wider redevelopment of the Blackhorse Lane industrial area, are to create a high-quality scheme designed to complement the neighbourhood. The proposed scheme features housing, student accommodation, retail units, cafes and a new linear public park giving public access from Blackhorse Lane to High Maynard Reservoir.

Following on from our successful, well-attended exhibitions held at the end of November, we would like to arrange a briefing meeting with your organisation so that we can meet you personally, provide more detail on the plans and receive your feedback.

We are also holding two public exhibitions of the plans at Blackhorse Lane Studios, 114 Blackhorse Lane, E17 6AA, from 2pm to 7.30pm on Friday 1 February and 10am to 2pm on Saturday 2 February, which you are more than welcome to attend.

We will be in touch shortly to see if you would like to arrange a briefing meeting. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me with any queries or comments at ben.gascoyne@localdialogue.com or on 020 7357 6606.

Yours faithfully,

Ben Gascoyne
Ben Gascoyne

Direct Dial     020 7036 3521
Switchboard  020 7357 6606

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