Tuesday 8 January 2013

Chingford Town Hall site

Despite what the Government says Waltham Forest Planning Department clearly is not getting in the way of developers. Tonight two major developments were agreed in next to no time and very quickly after the developers had submitted their plans. To be fair both the developer of the Arcade site and Fairview Homes have consulted properly so residents have not felt the need to kick up  a fuss.

Following close on the heals of the Arcade site decision the Planning Committee unanimously voted to give permission for Fairview Homes to build a residential development on the old planning offices site in the The Ridgeway. No use had been found for the old Chingford Town Hall building so that will be converted to flats. The only objector was Chingford Foundation School who were concerned about three things:

1. They could be charged £150k for a new electricity sub station on their premises as the current one they are served from is not large enough for the new development. The developer denied it and the Planning Committee swept the issue under the table so it is anyone's guess where the truth lies.
2. Traffic impact on school.
3. Reduced catchment area as the new development is adjacent to the school and it is already over subscribed.

Ridgeway site plans

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