Friday 11 January 2013

Ice Centre rebuild

The Save Lea Marshes fundraising quiz HARE &HOUNDS Lea Bridge Rd 7.30pm Friday 18th Jan

Save Lea Marshes meeting Monday 14th January at 7.30 at Princess of Wales by Lea Bridge to decide how to fight the LVRPA's plans for rebuilding the Ice Rink on Leyton Marsh.

Amazingly after all the battles that raged during the summer the LVRPA still has not got the message that the land around the existing Ice Centre i.e. Leyton Marsh should be maintained as Metropolitan Open Space and not built on. This extract from Shaun Dawson, Chief Exec of the LVRPA , shows how little concern he has for the area and the Save Leyton Marsh campaigners. SLM are suggesting that if the current Ice Centre is demolished it should be rebuilt in the new Queen Elizabeth Park which seems to make a lot of sense.

Finally on the subject of the Ice Centre feasibility study. We have just initiated a
process of research which is looking at various options and a range of sites in the
Lee Valley. The existing site on the Lea Bridge is being looked at as part of this
exercise. We are of course mindful of the value of the Leyton Marsh as public open
space and of the local sensibilities around any developments in the area and how
they might impact on the marsh. If we do decide to seriously consider the existing Ice
Centre site for a new ice centre we will put in place a local community engagement
process at the very beginning. A decision as to whether to look at the current site in
any detail is a few months away. I will of course notify you and colleagues at the
appropriate time.

I hope you will find the above satisfactory, but should you require any clarification,
then please do not hesitate to contact me.

Sandy Lane update

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