Monday 21 January 2013

Lap Dancing Controls



** Regulation of Lap Dancing Clubs and Similar Venues**

The Council’s Service is seeking your views as to whether the Council should adopt new powers that will give local people a greater say over the licensing and regulation of lap dancing clubs or other sexual entertainment venues in Waltham Forest.  Whilst there are no lap dancing clubs currently operating in Waltham Forest, the increase nationally in the number of such premises in recent years has given rise for concern among many local authorities.

Under the current legislation lap dancing clubs are licensed under the Licensing Act 2003. Under the Act, representations opposing premises licence applications for venues providing lap dancing and similar entertainment can only be based on the four licensing objectives, namely:

• The prevention of crime and disorder;
• Public Safety;
• The prevention of public nuisance
• The protection of children from harm.

As a result, licensing authorities cannot consider the objections of local people and businesses that are based on matters outside the scope of these four objectives. The law has recently been changed to extend local authorities’ powers in relation to sex establishments. The legislation that enables us to licence sex shops and sex cinemas has now been extended to include ‘sexual entertainment venues’ which include lap dancing, pole dancing, table dancing, strip shows, peep shows and live sex shows.

The Council does not have to adopt the new powers however, if the Council where to adopt them, it will have the power to refuse an application on potentially wider grounds than currently permitted and in doing so it will give local people a greater say over the regulation of such premises in their area (such as whether a lap dancing club is appropriate given the character of an area etc.)

The purpose of the consultation is to seek views of elected Members, Residents, Businesses and other stakeholders as to whether the Council should adopt the new powers and if yes, what the extent of our policy on the licensing of sexual entertainment venues in Waltham Forest should be.

To encourage responses the Council have prepared a consultation document, which has been attached. Additional copies along with the proposed draft policy can be found on the Councils website athttp://www.walthamforest.gov.uk/Pages/Services/Licences-sex-establishments.aspx?l1=100006&l2=200063

Copies can also be requested by contacting the Licensing Service by e mail to licensing@walthamforest.gov.uk or by telephone on 020 8496 2230/2266.

Should you wish to respond to the consultation, please ensure that your comments are submitted by 1st March 2013 at the latest. Responses to the consultation may be made electronically via email tolicensing@walthamforest.gov.uk or in writing to the Licensing Service at the above address.


The Waltham Forest Community Safety Board (WF CSB) cannot be held responsible for errors or any consequences arising from the use of information contained in this email; the views and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the WF CSB Membership, neither does the publication of any advertisements constitute any endorsement by the WF CSB of the products advertised.

Season’s Greetings

David Knight
WF CSB - Working Towards A Safer Community
C/o Rm. 011
Waltham Forest Town Hall London
E17 4JF
T:  8496 4328
M: 07596 747 364

To find out more about some of the current topics in community safety go to Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/1961knightor to find out more about the CSB go to http://goo.gl/cWP7H
You are welcome to the next Board Meeting on Thursday 24th January 2013 at The Town Hall, Forest Road E17 4JF  7pm

Waltham Forest CSB is funded by the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) http://www.london.gov.uk/priorities/policing-and-crime/about-mopac

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