Friday 11 January 2013

Lee Valley Park Meetings


As the dust settles on the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games the Authority's
attention turns to a fresh set of business challenges facing it over the next few
years. The following priority areas are set in the context of the 2010-20 Business
Strategy, at the heart of which is the Authority's vision 'By 2020 the Lee Valley
will be a world class leisure destination.

Underlying the Authority's approach across all business areas is the philosophy
of being 'community focused and commercially driven'. The organisation must
endeavour to deliver accessible and high quality activities and destinations for
its regional constituents whilst at the same time maximising the commercial
potential of all of its assets.

Major development projects

Over the next few years there are 2 sites which will be taken forward for
development projects; Picketts Lock and the Lea Bridge Road area.

A feasibility study for a new Ice Centre in the Park will commence in the next 2
months. The outcome of this study will help to inform the options for Picketts
Lock. Officers are also assessing the options for taking forward the Water Works
following a successful spell as a campsite during the Games. The potential for
the site being developed for visitor accommodation in the short and long term is
being seriously considered.

A number of business development projects are currently being assessed and
the following are examples of where there are investment opportunities:

Dobbs Weir Camping and Caravanning Site
Hayes Hill Farm
Water Works Site - Visitor Accommodation
Riding Centre
Athletics Centre

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