Tuesday 26 February 2013

Big Screen


Big Screen Report

At next week's planning committee the officers will be recommending that the planning permission for the Big Screen in Walthamstow Town Centre should be renewed. I never noticed the planning application, but would have objected if I had, on the grounds that it does nothing to enhance the Town Centre, and is environmentally damaging as it wastes over £4,000 of electricity per year. More to the point no one ever looks at it - it is just background wallpaper!! Hopefully the BBC will withdraw the funding.

The report states:

"No comments/objections were received. It is worth noting that the 
previously approved application was met with a large number of 
objections. "  
No doubt due to the lack of publicity about this application!

"10.5 In addition to the safety aspect, it is considered that the increase in people has helped to sustain and improve the evening and weekend economy of the area. 
10.6 With this in mind, it is considered that the screen has made a positive contribution to the area, from both economic and community aspects, and there is no reason to consider that the screen would not continue to do so. "


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