Tuesday 12 February 2013

Lea Valley Marshes meeting

Dear all

This is just a quick reminder about the next cross-marshes meeting that we are holding at the Rose & Crown on Sunday 17 February.

Save Lea Marshes invite you to our second cross-marshes meeting, organised in order to pool knowledge and environmental expertise from local individuals and groups in order to protect our marshes.
The meeting will be at the Rose & Crown Theatre Pub’s Red Room on Sunday 17th February from 2-4pm. Donations welcome.
The first hour will be a presentation from Theo Thomas from Thames 21 on the ‘Love the Lea’ project and a discussion of how groups can work together locally to protect the Lea from pollution.
The second half will be devoted to composing a rival feasibility study to that being undertaken by LVRPA; instead of considering green/Metropolitan Open Land in the Lea Valley for a new ice centre, we will be putting forward a document demonstrating how this area could be managed for the benefit of biodiversity and wildlife.
All welcome! Please bring along any useful documentation for composing the feasibility study if you have any.
I look forward to meeting many of you, as I wasn't able to make the last meeting.

Best wishes

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