Wednesday 20 February 2013

Planning Explorer

When we met the Head of Development Control last year to complain about the rotten service provided by the Planning Explorer web site he admitted there were some problems and some too expensive to fix. Months later they admit they have a problem but so far none of the issues we raised have been fixed.

Some of the issues:

Why are plans not put on the site when the plans are registered - it is often weeks later before the plans appear on the site cutting into the objection time.

Some plans are duplicated onto another application so the wrong plans are made available.

Why is the weekly list of planning applications not e-mailed out instead of snail mail post - would save on postage and still provide a satisfactory service.

I have raised these issues over a number of years but still nothing is done to resolve them, but at last a formal apology on their web site!! Begs the question of why they now admit to the problems that have existed for years!

Council Apology

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