Tuesday 12 February 2013

Support the William Morris Gallery

Museums + Heritage Awards 2013 Culture Pros Pick – have your say

Guardian Cultural Professionals Network are inviting your nominations for the UK's most inspiring museum or heritage visitor attraction of the past year
The Guardian Cultural Professionals Network has teamed up with the annual Museums + Heritage Awards to launch a search for the UK's most inspiring museum or heritage visitor attraction of the past 12 months.

This is your opportunity to nominate the UK institution you think is a shining example within the sector for its ground-breaking approach to engaging with audiences and visitors in 2012-13. The winning attraction will gain the recognition of its peers and visiting public alike.

Who should win? To have your say, nominate using the form below, telling us in no more than 50 words why you feel your choice is deserving of this accolade. The five attractions with the most nominations will then be shortlisted and opened to the public vote – you are welcome to nominate your own organisation for the award but you will need to encourage your supporters to do so too. So good luck and get nominating!

• Monday 17 December – Nominations open
• Monday 11 February – Nominations close
• Monday 18 March – Shortlist opened for public vote
• Friday 12 April – Voting closes
• Wednesday 15 May – Winner announced at M+H Awards 2013

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