Tuesday 26 February 2013

Tea Party in the Village

Spring Tea Party
Dear Villagers
On Saturday 27 April 2013, the WRVA will be hosting a spring tea party for the Village older residents.  The tea party will be held in St Mary’s Welcome Centre  from 2 – 5 pm and will include music, bingo, dance and chat.
We are seeking volunteers to help on the day: 
  • Help in the kitchen
  • Help with setting up
  • Help with cleaning up
  • People who are happy to engage and chat with older Village residents.
We are also looking for volunteers to contribute some home baking for the party.
Any help and assistance will be most welcome.  Please email Lorna lornajdowning@yahoo.co.uk and/or Tracyt.lindsay700@btinternet.com to let us know what assistance you can offer.
Many thanks and best wishes,
Lorna and Tracy

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