Friday 15 March 2013

Dog Control Orders

Please find consultation document which provides residents the opportunity to feed directly into the process by completing the online survey. It is important for the council to listen to residents views and that is why a public meeting is being requested to discuss Lloyd Park in particular, which representatives of the council are attending. We will of course try to accommodate similar meeting requests but we must bear in mind that we may not be able to address every resident due to the sheer volume of interest into this consultation.

I think it important to note that whilst this review is important to ensure the continued safety of our parks/open spaces and addressing issues of irresponsible owners, the council is making only 8 changes to the current orders that cover 56 areas in total and which have been in place since 2006. Of those 8 changes the council are proposing to make safe area’s for dog walkers to exercise their dogs off lead whilst allowing other park/open spaces users to enjoy their visits without being concerned of dogs being off leads.

The consultation finishes on 25th March 2013, after which the results will be analysed and a final report incorporating the proposals and all residents comments drafted for Cabinet.



Scott Cartwright
Joint Team Leader - Dog Enforcement Team

London Borough of Waltham Forest & Haringey
Waltham Forest Council
Environmental Health
Room 101 Sycamore House
Forest Road
E17 4JF

T    0208-496-2225
W  www.walthamforest.gov.uk

Hi new comers and welcome to our doggie campaign group

As promised below is the latest email update

I've cc'ed Marita so she can add you to the 'Walthamstow for dogs' facebook page if you're not already on it as this is a closed group while we collect photographic evidence during our walkies to show how our parks are empty most of the time when we walk our dogs.

We might see you all hopefully this Saturday 16th 9am at St James park for our big photoshoot with the local paper. Bring your doggies, tell your doggie pals, the more the merrier, as there'll be a petition to sign, leaflets to take away and a map we've put together to highlight where the remaining spaces are that we can exercise our dogs properly. We might even do the Harlem Shake for a YouTube video which could be a fun way to raise awareness. We were on LBC 94.9 today and I got the chance to mention our campaign as well. By the way I'm waiting to hear when we might get a meeting with the council, possibly Mon 18th at 5pm but this is yet tbc at the moment

Watch this space and please in the meantime feel free to circulate the email below explaining our campaign 

Thanks peeps


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