Tuesday 19 March 2013

LVRPA Developments

For the full reports look for:

E/262/13       The Waterworks - short term proposals

E/263/13      Lee Valley Riding Centre Investment

Dear friends

Eight people attended last night's Walthamstow Marshes and Filter Bed's User Forum Meeting and were angry to find that LVRPA's Executive Committee is deciding on Thursday (yes, 21 March) whether or not it will support officers' proposals to extend the Lee Valley Riding Stables and establish another campsite at The Waterworks. The details handed to us last night, along with a recording of the meeting are attached.

There are so many reasons why the proposals are flawed but, biggest of all, is the further development of Metropolitan Open Land. I think urgent action is required to show the LVRPA that there will be strong opposition to their plans and I am asking you to write to the councillor members of the authority to ask them to contact the executive committee to oppose the plans. I don't think there is any need to rehearse the arguments in detail just yet; what we need to do now is demonstrate that opposition will fierce and sustained.

We have a lot to fight right now, with these plans, the plans for the ice centre, the plans for events on Hackney Marshes and a number of other attempts to destroy green open spaces in Walthamstow and Hackney, but I am begging you to dig deep into your well of frustration and find just a little more time and energy. I am providing email addresses and the text of an email below, which you could top and tail with your own words.

Please circulate this email widely and if anyone has contacts at the Waltham Forest Guardian please can you contact them as soon as possible. Oh, and if anyone is able to attend the Executive Committee meeting on Thursday please do register to speak...

With love and in solidarity.



On Monday 18 March 2013 proposals to establish a campsite at The Waterworks (Item 5 on the agenda for the LVRPA's Executive Committee on 21 March 2013) and to extend the Lee Valley Riding Stables (Item 6 on the agenda) were shared with eight local people. The response was swift and clear: we do not want further development of Metropolitan Open Land. I am writing to express my objection in the strongest possible terms.

Please contact the executive committee as a matter or urgency to express your objections to the proposals.

With best wishes

Derrick Ashley, Chairman of Lee Valley Regional Park Authority. (C) derrick.ashley@hertfordshire.gov.uk
Michael Rye OBE (C), Vice Chairman of Lee Valley Regional Park Authority cllr.michael.rye@enfield.gov.uk
George Allan (L/D) george.allan@islington.gov.uk
John Bevan (L) Chairman of the Lower Lee Valley Regeneration and Planning Committee, a Member of Upper Lee Valley Regeneration & Planning Committee and the Executive Committee. john.bevan@haringey.gov.uk
Ian Corbett (C) ian.corbett@newham.gov.uk
Andrew Curtin (C) andrew.curtin@havering.gov.uk
Ross Houston (L) cllr.r.houston@barnet.gov.uk 
Tim Hutchings (C) trhutchings59gmail.com
Heather Johnson (L)  heather.johnson@camden.gov.uk
Valerie Metcalfe (C) cllr.valerie.metcalfe@essex.gov.uk
Christine Mitchell (C) chris.mitchell@hertfordshire.gov.uk
Tony Newman (L) tony.newman@croydon.gov.uk
Paul Osborn (C) paul.osborn@harrow.gov.uk
Mary Sartin (C) marysartin@yahoo.com
Syd Stavrou (C) No email address
Elizabeth Webster (C) cllr.elizabeth.webster@essex.gov.uk
Lyn White (C) lyn.white@ntlworld.com

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