Wednesday 27 March 2013

Marsh Lane Bridge Approved

At last night's Planning Committee the Tories sided with Labour and approved the new bridge into Marsh Lane recreation area with the Liberal voting against. The committee decided to look at the plans from a narrow planning perspective and they could see no reason to refuse it. The Tories were complimentary about  the protesters saying "a number of people have invested their time in the welfare of this land" but still voted to build this unnecessary bridge.

It is still unclear why a bridge, that according to the officer's report "relatively minor proposal intended to improve access and provide an open and clear gateway into Leyton Jubilee Park" is needed. It is still unclear what the benefits will accrue from this new bridge and at leaset £250k will be spent on it.

Our fear is it is intended to open up the site for future development but what will that be - is Travelodge going to build another skycraper with wonderful views of the Lea Valley?

Marsh Lane Bridge Shortcomings

Dear Councillors
Apparently it is possible that you will not have been informed officially as Ward councillors that there is a proposal to demolish the existing bridges over Dagenham Brook at the bottom of Marsh Lane and plans to build a replacement, all at the cost of £250,000. The officers' report has wrongly identified the location as being in E11, and has not mentioned Lea Bridge Ward as an affected area. The works will involve areas in both Leyton and Lea Bridge Wards.
This proposal, by the Council department, is totally unnecessary and a terrible waste of Council tax-payers money. The report claims that there are aesthetic grounds for removing two perfectly serviceable and in the case of one of them, recently built, bridges.
The procedures for announcing and considering this proposal appear to be flawed, particularly around the lack of consultation with individuals, households and institutions who use these bridges.
Even worse, the underlying purpose for these works, as mentioned in the supporting papers, is to enable 'heavier vehicles' to enter what the Council has now renamed 'Leyton Jubilee Park'. There should be no need for heavier vehicles to enter Marsh Lane Fields from Marsh Lane, as the access from Orient Way already provides that facility. If approved, the building works would effectively provide a through-route for heavy vehicles coming off Church Road via Marsh Lane down to Orient Way. This should be avoided at all costs and has previously been rejected as a strategy.
I am sure that you are keen to avoid wasting Council tax-payers' money. I am confident that you would not want to see our Fields being subjected to heavier vehicles having access. I call on you to ensure that Marsh Lane Fields bridges are not demolished and replaced.
I have objected formally to the proposals, but am unable to attend the re-scheduled Planning Committee meeting tomorrow (26th March). However I know that there will be others who will speak against this atrocious, unnecessary and wasteful messing around with the borough's perfectly adequate assets.
I request that you check your records and that if you have not received proper due notice of these proposals as Ward Councillors you take the appropriate steps to ensure your duties and responsibilities are in order.
Many, many people are opposed to these ludicrous proposals. In view of the Council's tight budgetary situation there can be no justification for demolishing two bridges that have nothing wrong with them at a cost of a quarter of a million pounds, and in the bargain removing the dedicated access for Lammas School pupils.
Claire Weiss
E10 7AR

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