Friday 29 March 2013

Marsh User's Forum Meeting

This is a very brief report on last week's Marsh Users forum meeting, and an email to me from mMP giving notice of a borough-run public consultation in part of Waltham Forest, about controllingdogwalkers with large numbers of off-lead dogs and problems with other out-of-control anddangerous dogs in Walthamstow (including Leyton Marshes, which are within Stella Creasy MP'sconstituency). It may be of interest to others, so I am passing it on.
If you do not live in Stella's constituency please ignore the forwarded email, or pass it on tosomeone who does.
Thanks! K

There was a LVRPA Marsh Users' Forum last week, where concerns about out-of-control dogsattacking other dogs, people and ponies using the Marshes could again have been raised, but the meeting was taken up by the Regional Park Authority reps informing local residents that the Golf Course on Leyton Marshes south of the Waterworks Centre in Lammas Road, will not now be reopened as promised on 31st March. The Authority now intend to make it a permanent camp-site,including hard standing for caravans. (This implies yet more fencing off of our open land on LeytonMarshes by the LVRPA.)

The recent approach to LBWF from Travelodge (who have previously negotiated with the LVRPA about having a budget hotel near the ice rink, which the Park Authority want to expand to twice the size) with a proposal to construct a hotel near Lea Bridge Station was NOT mentioned.

The Forum meeting was also told about the planned further expansion of the LVRPA's Riding Centre on Porter's Field (Leyton Marshes), this time explicitly for livery horses (a use of the premises which the Authority carried on illegally for over two decades before successfully applyinfor retrospective planning permission in 2011 - after ignoring 16 years of pressure from NLLDC tend the use of the stables for the purpose and restore public access through this part of ouLammas Lands, which the Authority has often promised to do but never fulfilled).

Katy Andrews.

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