Friday 29 March 2013

Planning Committee Report

At last Tuesday's Planning Committee meeting the Public Address system was once again not working. Over many years the council seem incapable of getting a PA system that works properly for any length of time. This is at least the third system I can remember them installing and they all have ensured that people in the public gallery are unable to hear what is going on. This time the microphones for the main speakers were not working at all! Is this a deliberate ploy to ensure residents cannot get involved in the decision making process!

2013/0033 The site beside Pump House Museum is to be built on, but the item was deferred for another occasion.
2012/1701 Chingford Community Association was approved unanimously to change the use from offices to community centre. Residents objections were ignored.
2013/0070 Garages to be demolished and houses built at 73 Armstrong Avenue, Woodford Green. Lots of opposition but the committee split on party lines and voted 4:3 in favour.
2013/0085 Marsh Lane Bridge. No explanation provided as to why bridge has to be replaced. Councillors felt that in planning terms they could not object although it is going to cost the council at least £250,000 to replace a perfectly good bridge with another! Approved 6:1 with the Liberal voting against.

By now it was 9pm and with 10 items to go I left noting that Cllr Vincent's primary aged daughter was still sitting on her lap - what state she would be in by the time she got to school the next morning only her teacher's can say!

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