Saturday 2 March 2013

Waltham Forest Rising Group

From: Julia Clarke <juliajubilada@gmail.com>
Date: 28 February 2013 13:04:10 GMT
To: jo robinson <robinson775@btinternet.com>
Subject: Rising and Singing Update for Walthamstow Women 8th March

Hello - I sent a message out about singing in Trafalgar Square on 9th March, but this is a revised message to include an opportunity to just come along and sing with us in Walthamstow next Friday evening (whether or not you can get to any rehearsals beforehand).  Please forward this to anyone you know who might enjoy a good sing with a good crowd of people!
What? The newly formed Waltham Forest Rising group will be leading a walk from Walthamstow Central Library to Walthamstow Marshes with singing led by Waltham Forest Women's Voices.
When? Friday 8th March 7-9pm (and more marching and singing on Saturday 9th: see below)
Why? To mark International Women's Day and to send a message that Waltham Forest is a safe and welcoming place for all women and girls.
How? We need to make a noise and we have lots of good songs to sing. But we need a few people to learn the songs (or at least the chants, refrains and choruses) for everyone to join in with.
Who? Waltham Forest Voices includes anyone who wants to sing with others in the name of  equality, solidarity and social justice. You don't have to be a "good singer" (whatever that means).  You just need to enjoy singing with others and making a lot of noise. (Men, women and children are all welcome).
The following morning, some of us will be joining "Women Re-choired" to sing on the Million Women Rise demo (against male violence in all its forms) on Saturday March 9th from Oxford Street (outside Selfridges) 12 noon to Trafalgar Square 3pm (the march is women only but everyone's welcome at the rally in Trafalgar Square)  There will be a  "Women Re-choired" rehearsal on Monday 4th March 7-9pm at 213b Blackstock Road, London, N5 2LL where you can learn the songs we're going to sing on the demo and at the after-party! 
For Walthamstow women, we're going to practise the songs on Saturday 2nd March and Sunday 3rd March 3-6pm at my home in Milton Road E17, sing them again on the Market to Marshes walk, and meet up at The Victoria pub in Hoe Street at 9.30 am on March 9th for a run-through before setting off at 11am to join Women Re-Choired outside Selfridges in Oxford Street.
How do I join?  To join us, and/or find out more, please email juliajubilada@gmail.com or phone or text me on 07801756863. Anyone is welcome to come along to (some or all of) any of these rehearsals but please let me know (even at the last minute) when you're coming. 
For more details of Waltham Forest Rising email cllr.clare.coghill@walthamforest.gov.uk or ring Clare on 0772552862
Julia Clarke
46, Milton Road,
Walthamstow, E17 4SR
Web site juliajubilada.posterous.com

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