Friday 5 April 2013

Leytonstone Festival

Dear Friend,

Are you interested in putting on an event for the Leytonstone Festival? The festival runs from 11th – 21st July and  we are looking for all kinds of events – theatre, music, dance, art etc. Take a look at last year’s programme to get an idea of the wide range of events that have featured in the past. www.leytonstonefestival.org.uk/files/programme2012.pdf

We are a registered charity with a small amount of money to spend on events which can go towards artists fees, venue hire and other overheads.

The closing date for proposals for events is 26th April. To get the event proposal form and find out more about the festival visit our website www.leytonstonefestival.org.uk  

The festival is a great opportunity to promote yourself, your group and the work you are doing in the local area.

Please feel free to forward this email to anyone you think might be interested.

Best Wishes

Shah Ahmed

Vice Chair Leytonstone Festival Assoc.

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