Thursday 18 April 2013

Sign Hackney Marsh Petition

The online petition to Hackney Council not to hold three mega events (ie environmentally destructive and excruciatingly noisy pop festivals like the one last June) every Summer for the next five years only needs another 200 or so names to reach the number where it has to go before the Full Counil at Hackney for debate and final decision, giving everyone the chance to object properly.
Please support those of us in Leyton and Walthamstow who had our whole weekends ruined by the appalling volume of noise and thumping bass beats all weekend last year and do not want a repeat in the future! PLEASE PASS THIS ON TO OTHERS
Please sign the petition calling on Hackney not to go ahead with these plans at
It is very simple – all they ask is for you to enter your name, email address and area where you live (if you are not local you could add a comment saying how it affected you - the noise made it impossible to go out for a walk, the marshes were fenced off for weeks because of this event last year, you were unable to play cricket all summer, whatever – or why you are concerned – environmental impact, the damage to the area etc.).
You can go straight to the petition by clicking with your mouse on this link:
For more information about the environmental issues and an explanation of how the petition system works in Hackney, please go to the Hackney Marsh Website at http://sustainablehackney.org.uk/hmug/planning.
Many thanks,

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