Monday 20 May 2013

EMD Decision delayed


WF Guardian Report

I know I am only a dumb mut but surely the Inspector at the EMD enquiry last November had made his mind up by the time he had received all the evidence i.e. by Christmas. He than had to pass his thoughts in the form of a report to the Secretary of State. His bureaucrats then need to read the report , which can't be that large as there is not much to say on either side, and give a summary to the Minister. The Government view would be to either agree or disagree with the Inspector and a decision announced. So allowing for Christmas and other priorities would 3 months be enough? Oh no the Government decision would take until May so May comes and nearly goes and still no decision is made. Is this because the Secretary of State is being very careful to ensure he has considered everything or has it just slipped down the back of the filing cabinet and got forgotten!!

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