Sunday 12 May 2013

Ensign Camera Factory under threat

Film Cannister

Planning Application

Ensign Camera Factory

Objection to Planning Application

Application No: 2013/0360 43 Fulbourne Road E17 4AE and 30 Victoria Road E17 4JU

We wish to object to the above application for the following reasons:

1.     Planning Process
For a couple of years we have been told the Wood Street Area Action Plan was being developed and this would be one of the sites to be included. The council’s web site states that consultation on the “preferred approach is coming soon 2013”. Surely any decision on this site should wait until after the AAP has been agreed. What is the point of an AAP if a very large site like this is not to be included?

2.     Design and Access Statement
Having searched the planning web site some key documents appear to be missing. There is no Design and Access Statement which is essential to understanding the architect’s design considerations and also to establish the density – why is there no attempt to reflect the industrial heritage of not only this site but also the Hawker Siddeley site opposite?

There is no artist impression or plans of the houses despite the fact that that they were  shown at the recent Community Ward Forum meeting. The design is appalling and for this reason alone the application should be refused.

3.     Historic Building
Under the cladding of the West Works building lies the old Ensign Camera Factory built in 1908. Surely this area could be made more attractive by developing the flats in this interesting building rather than knocking it down, destroying our heritage and replacing it with a bland building.

4.     Schools
The existing schools, Woodside and Bremmer, are at capacity with Woodside already over flowing into the old Warwick Boys School. Where will the children living on this development go to school?

5.     Design
The 6 storey flats are uninspiring and simply mirror the newly built Ashdown Court creating a tunnel effect down Fulbourne Road. Policy CS15 Well Designed Buildings states “a) ensure the highest quality architecture and urban design………….New developments should respond positively to the local context and character, improve the way places function and promote distinctiveness and sense of place”. Clearly this design fails completely to meet any of this policy.

6.     Houses
The design of the houses as presented at the public meeting, but not included with the information on the web site, show very stark concrete blocks – not most people’s view of what a house should look like. The images shown reflect what you would expect in the prison block or the public housing of the Stalin era! The design is totally alien to this area and needs to be re-designed to make the buildings homes and not just houses.

We urge you to reject this development and delay any further consideration until the land use decisions have been ratified by the AAP. The Government says we need houses, but what we need is homes that are attractive and improve people’s lives – not just any old development to meet the targets of the largest housing association in the country – Sanctuary Housing.

Good afternoon,

I understand from Carol Minto that you are objecting to the current planning application. I have drawn the attention of English Heritage to the site as I believe that there is warrant for the building underneath the cladding to be listed. It is said that it is one of the early designs of Wallis Gilbert and Partner.
However, I have had the below reply from English Heritage and am wondering whether you can help me and have recent photos from inside and outside to put some more weight behind the registration as a listed building or other ideas as to how to progress this.

Thank you very much!

Marita Keremezo
Former Goss Site, No 43 Fulbourne Road, Walthamstow E17 4HA
Thank you for your application to add the above building to the List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.

We have looked at all the application material you have provided and unfortunately there is not enough information for us to be able to undertake an initial assessment of the building.

In order for us to be able to process your application further it would be helpful if you could provide the following information, either by post or electronically:

·         Good quality, current photographs of clear resolution showing all aspects of the exterior of the building and, if possible, the interior also (the photographs you have provided are low resolution and are not sufficient to enable an initial assessment to be made). These may be sent by email, or as prints or CD by post.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me, quoting our reference 479315. Further information can also be found on our website at www.english-heritage.org.uk.

If we do not hear from you within 28 days, we may close the case. We look forward to hearing from you.

Marita Keremezo
Anglo China Sourcing Ltd
Langham Barn Business Centre
Langham Lane,
Langham CO4 5ZS
Tel/Fax: +44 1206 273 687

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