Friday 17 May 2013

Threats to the Lower Lea Valley

Dear all,

There is a lot going on in the lower Lea Valley and unfortunately we are facing further development and commercialisation threats to our marshes. We need your help to preserve our marshes as green and open spaces for all to enjoy.

We are currently awaiting the results of a LVRPA feasibility study for a new, larger ice centre to replace the out-dated facility on Lea Bridge Road as well as the outcome of the consultation on plans to use Hackney Marshes as the site for three mega-events every summer. 

Hackney Council originally expressed their intention to apply for commons consent from the planning inspectorate for these events regardless of the results of the online survey. However after an online (and paper) petition by our group  attracted over a thousand signatures against; strong objections from Sports Council England, Hackney Marshes User group and other organisations as well as over 600 respondents to the Council survey, the Council have now said that they will analyse the results of this survey before deciding whether or not to proceed with an application for consent. 

Thank you to all of you who signed the petition, filled in the survey and filed objections to the plans. It is important that people now pressure the Council to release the results of the survey which can be done by Tweeting @hackneyliving or writing to the mayor, Jonathan McShane or Ian Holland from the Council requesting a date for announcing the results.

The LVRPA, despite promising up until 2 weeks ago that the golf course would re-open in Spring 2013, have decided that they wish to convert this Metropolitan Open Land into a private camp site for up to 300 chalets/ tents, entailing the enclosure of this land during the best summer months. To find out more and to object to the proposals, please read thisand keep updated on our website, where we will shortly be adding details of how to object to the planning application for this development. The LVRPA also have plans to extend their commercial livery onto Walthamstow Marshes and we have very real concerns about the further enclosure, commercialisation and implications for horse welfare this may entail so will be updating the website with information on how to object to this planning application to Waltham Forest Council as well.

Please come along to our next meeting, which is open to all, at the Princess of Wales pub this Monday (13th May) at 7.30pm. 

We also have a film and information night at Pogo Cafe on Monday 20th May at 7.30pm, when we will be screening films from the Leyton Marsh struggle and talks about our ongoing campaign. The night is completely free. It would be wonderful to see you there!

Best Wishes,
Save Lea Marshes group.

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