Friday 24 May 2013

Oasis Academy Walthamstow to open in 2014

It is going to be interesting to see where they have found a suitable site for a school of similar size to Kelmscott School.

From Stella Creasy MP's newsletter:

Education in Walthamstow: Free School Announcement  

This week I have been sent confirmation that the Government has decided to approve four proposals for free schools in Walthamstow. The applications are by Oasis, United Learning Trust, The Waltham Forest Leadership for Girls and the DV8 Academy. They will now proceed to the next stage of the Free Schools process - ultimately leading to the Secretary of State deciding whether to enter into a funding agreement with the schools with the view to opening in September 2014. Please note this is all the information I have at present on these projects- as and when I receive more I will share this via this e-newsletter. 
We know that schools in Walthamstow are under real pressures at present- from our need for additional places to meet the demands of a growing local community to the impact of London Weighting, and the Government's plans to fragment relationships between schools and councils. In this difficult context ensuring we support our young people to the high levels of educational attainment to which they are all capable becomes harder, not easier. You can read my full statement about these challenges here

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