Thursday 6 June 2013

Bakers Arms Regeneration

30 May 2013: Lea Bridge/Bakers Arms update

As part of the Council's £9million high street programme to improve roads and shop fronts in the borough, the Bakers Arms area will benefit from over £3million worth of investment.
Work has already begun on improving the main junction. Other actions will include: 
  • Resurfacing roads and pavements
  • New traffic calming measures
  • The creation of a 20mph zone along Lea Bridge Road through the junction
  • Two new public spaces
  • New lighting, trees and signs
Forty shops will benefit from shop front improvements, this could involve:
  • Repairing brickwork
  • Replacing shop signage
  • Painting upper residential units
Work of this scale does take some time, so please bear with us during any disruption. We promise it will be worth it. All work is expected to be completed in February 2014. 

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