Wednesday 19 June 2013

Marsh Lane consultation

A quick update on the Park.

Installation of the new bridge at the Marsh Lane is underway. Work started last week (10th June) and could last up to 12 weeks. There will be no vehicular access into the Park at Marsh Lane for this period although the pedestrian access will be maintained. Users who need to access the Park with vehicles will use the Seymour Road entrance.

A consultation exercise is being advertised in Waltham Forest News. The questionnaire is asking for overall views on the Park and potential future activity and development. In addition we are planning to extend the children’s play area and there are two drop in sessions on Saturday 22nd June (10am to 1pm) and  Tuesday 25th June (3pm to 6pm).

I have attached a pdf copy of the questionnaire and a link to the online version. Please let me know if you would like hard copies of the questionnaire.

Many thanks,

Jon Widdows
Olympic Legacy Programme Manager
Housing and Development
Sycamore House
Waltham Forest Council
London E17 4JF

Tel: 020 8496 4109
Mob: 07971 107324

Alternative contact: Leon Welford, 020 8496 4103, leon.welford@walthamforest.gov.uk

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