Wednesday 31 July 2013

More about the Lea Valley Park threats

Developments in the Lea Valley

The Lea Valley
Report on the article in the Evening Standard about the creation of thousands of new properties in the 'under utilised' Lea Valley with comment from SLM: http://lovingdalston.co.uk/2013/07/under-used-ne-london-not-for-these-schemes/

Lovely blog from Charlie about the beauty of unmown areas on our marshes:http://saveleytonmarsh.wordpress.com/2013/07/25/nature-uncut-please/

The River Lee
An image of the absolute ecological devastation inside the Olympic Park, which hosted the 'greenest Olympics ever': https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151496956896097&set=a.415261941096.184931.75089226096&type=1&theater

An article will also be appearing in WF Guardian about the Lea pollution and absurd of pouring in fluorescent dye to celebrate the 'ecology' of the new park.

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