Friday 5 July 2013

Planning Committee Report

Planning Committee

Pony Trecking

Dear Adrian,
I went to the Planning Meeting tonight. What a frustrating experience. The quality of the argument by the Councillors was very poor. I don't know how you attend them regularly without being a total cynic and a depressive. 
Anyway, the decisions were;

For the Fulbourne Rd development. ( 4 to 3) 

Against the development of the  Grove Green Rd site, where the arts centre used to be. (unanimous)

For the camp site ( 3 for, 3 against, the Chair decided for ; someone called J. Bennett? who already has his mind made up  and doesn't seem to take in any opinions).

For the riding stables extension (6 for, 1 against)

The Councillors didn't seem to understand the definition of Metropolitan Open Land. 
I left after that. Sorry, Adrian, I just had to get it off my chest!

I attended my second WF Planning Committee Meeting yesterday from the public gallery  (the last time was to oppose the use of Metropolitan Open Land for an Olympic basket ball training area.)   Unbeknown to me, the first three items were all of interest/concern to me!
I was there regarding a large housing development around the corner from me here at Goss Components on Fulbourne Road, that we (local residents) don't object to per se but which we feel will have an unacceptably high level of density and other deleterious effects on local road safety, services and resources. 
The next item on the agenda was a community garden and arts project adjacent to Leytonstone tube station, which was to be replaced by a block of flats.
The 3rd item was the proposal to allow the Lea Valley Park to build a campsite on more MOL on Hackney Marshes on what used to be the golf course open to the general public near the Filter Beds nature reserve off the Lea Bridge Road. 

I think there may have been a 4th item regarding the Riding Centre on Hackney Marshes but I'd left by then ...

The good news is that the block of flats was successfully opposed and the community garden saved!

The bad news is that the Fulbourne Road project and the Hackney Marshes Camp Site were both passed!

I could write a lot more about the way things were done and the competence and knowledge (lack of!) displayed by those making decisions on the future of our area but I won't!  Suffice it to say that if I wasn't cynical before, I would be now!!

I'm hoping there is more we can do but in the meantime, you may wish to get in touch with Save Leyton Marsh and other local action groups.


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