Saturday 20 July 2013

SLM Newsletter

Well folks - truly sizzling weather.  A couple of days ago I was thinking perhaps a quiet week on the Marshes Front line, but no, not really...

LVRPA CAMPSITE & PONY TREKKING -  SLM's stalwart stalkers have been monitoring the progress of the building of the camp, its usage and the first foray's of the hoofing fraternity.  So far, not much successful take up of the camping facilities - but there are a few events coming up over on the Olympic Park so we'll see if trade increases.  The horses are being slowly guided through the tunnel to the Waterworks area - so this also doesn't look like a great business idea either.  We are also keeping an eye on the welfare of the horses.

HACKNEY'S NORTH PAVILLION - having got wind of an official report on the trees in the vicinity of the planned new pavilion - we're getting nervous about the possible fate of some of our favourite Black Poplars - yes those iconic ones.

Conversations with the English Cricket Board reveal that the ECB is not so concerned with car parking as London Borough of Hackney (LBH) and also is not concerned with all the changing rooms being on the ground floor - six would be compliant.  The ECB are also open to discussions with the community.

EVENTS - a date for your diaries is Sunday 1st September, for a walk around the affected sites of the marshes following the Olympics and other building developments.  This will start at the Princess of Wales pub on Lea Bridge Road.  More details will follow later.
"Losing the Marshes Film" - the film director is looking for suitable venues to show his film - suggestions welcome via the Save Letyon Marsh email address.  We have come up with some and hope that SLM can link up with a showing of it." running from 9 July to 15 August.  If you want to check this out and get cross see www.buildingcentre.com 
NEW LEAFLET AND LOGO - progress on the new logo based on Jane's Heron design is on-going.

FUNDRAISING -Caroline's Fun Fundraising party and more T shirt sales raised another £51.50 yay!  Thanks to Caroline.  There will be more raffles on the way.

A local group in Hackney is organising a stall trail for people to sell produce; crafts or bric a brac in their front gardens for a small fee.  We are considering one for SLM if we can find a suitable front garden? For further details see


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