Thursday 18 July 2013

Voluntary Action Waltham Forest

Dear Waltham Forest Our Community,

Please would you be able to add something to your lovely website about us? We are a local charity that provides free support and low-cost training to voluntary and community organisations in Waltham Forest.

Support for community organisations in Waltham Forest

Voluntary Action Waltham Forest is a charity based near Bakers Arms in E10 that provides free funding advice and volunteering development support to community organisations across Waltham Forest. For more information please call 020 8558 3614 or see www.voluntaryaction.net. They also run low-cost training for trustees, volunteers and staff of local charities and community groups on writing funding bids, keeping your financial accounts and health and safety. There is a list of courses on their website here: http://www.voluntaryaction.net/news/training-september-november

I also notice you have links to other community organisations websites – is there any chance we could be one of these groups please? (www.voluntaryaction.net). If not – just a mention on one of your pages would be very much appreciated.

Kind regards,

Sarah Kinson,
Information and Communications Officer,
Voluntary Action Waltham Forest,
Waltham Forest Resource Hub (Central),
1 Russell Road,
London E10 7ES

Telephone: 020 8558 3614 x 237

I usually work Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

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