Friday 23 August 2013

Civic Society photo display

Dear All,

Photo Exhibition of Locally Listed Buildings in Waltham Forest

Leytonstone Library in early September, Hale End library in late September and Walthamstow Central library in early October

Waltham Forest has a rich and often under-valued architectural heritage. As well as many well known nationally listed buildings (such as the William Morris Gallery and Walnut Tree House) there are also 171 buildings on the borough’s local heritage list which help to give the borough its distinctive character. The Civic Society is organising this photo exhibition of raise awareness of and celebrate these buildings, which range from private houses to churches, pubs, fire stations, community buildings and water fountains.

The display will spend two weeks in each of Waltham Forest’s main libraries:

Leytonstone library: Saturday 31st August to Saturday 14th September

Hale End library: Saturday 14th September to Saturday 28th September

Walthamstow Central library: Saturday 28th September to Saturday 12th October

We hope you will be able to visit the exhibition when it comes to a library near you!

Please note we will also be having a display about the Civic Society in Vestry House Museum for the month of September – do come along and have a look.

Best wishes,


Jane Sterland
Chair, Waltham Forest Civic Society

07900 498440

Walnut Tree , Leyton

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