Saturday 28 September 2013

Civic Voice and Town Centres

Civic Voice - talking civic sense


Immediate release25th September 2013

Civic Voice launch campaign to stop developments in our town centres without planning permission

Civic Voice – the national charity for the civic movement with 75,000 members – is today urging individuals and communities across England to contact their local MP to oppose a Government proposal to allow developers to change buildings on our high streets from retail to residential use without requiring planning permission.
The proposal, introduced in the consultation “Greater flexibilities for change of use - Consultation” means developers could, for example, convert a shop unit into a residential use without the local community having an opportunity to voice their concerns.
Paula Ridley, Chair of Civic Voice said “MPs of all parties must surely see how odd it would be for communities to lose the right to be heard on issues affecting their local high street while the Government champions localism and people having their say. This policy simply rips up all local input, removing people’s right to object to developments that threaten the vitality and character of their local town centre.”
Paula Ridley finished by saying, “Everyone wants to see common sense reforms to planning policy so that uncontentious developments get a green light, and planning officers are able to focus on the cases that really matter; but these proposals put everyday England at risk. Please support this civic movement campaign. Numbers count on an issue such as this.”
Civic Voice wants community groups to contact their local MP and ask them to oppose this change to the planning system before the consultation closes on October 15. If you support the idea that local people should determine local issues, visit the Civic Voice website today and tell your MP. 
You can inform your MP of your opposition to this proposal by contacting them on this specially designed letter http://www.civicvoice.org.uk/campaigns/ecampaigns.


Civic Voice is the national charity for the civic movement. We work to make the places where everyone lives more attractive, enjoyable and distinctive and to promote civic pride. We speak up for civic societies and local communities across England. We believe everyone should live somewhere they can be proud of and we know how people feel about places because we feel the same way. Civic societies are the most numerous participants in the planning system. Since its launch in April 2010 Civic Voice has been joined by over 290 civic societies with 75,000 members. Further information is available at http://www.civicvoice.org.uk including how to join Civic Voice (£10 individuals) and contact details for local civic societies.


Ian Harvey
E: info@civicvoice.org.uk T: 07877096968

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