Monday 23 September 2013

Hyde Park

We have had some fantastic news that the Royal Parks have removed all the charges for the Old Football pitches in Hyde Park. For the next three months nobody will have to pay of the want to use the space to play sport!
Although the charges have only been removed temporarily, it's a massive achievement to have got them to back down. And it's all thanks to your support!
So for the moment we have won this battle, but the fight goes on as we need to ensure that they don't try bring them back. The Royal Parks have said that they will now hold a wider consultation with the public to help them to decide what to do with the area in Hyde Park.
We need to send them a message, loud and clear, that charges to play sport in Hyde Park are wrong and unfair. That's why shortly we will be in touch explaining how you can respond directly to their consultation.
But for now, we wanted to let you know the fantastic news and once again say thank you. With your help we have showed that when people stand up for something they believe in they really can have an impact.
Thank you for all the support.
Leo and the Save our Softball team

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