Tuesday 17 September 2013

Make Your Opinion Count


Make Your Opinion Count
The council has "appointed a commission of experts to plot an economic course for the Borough for the next five years. Led by Professor Tony Travers of the London School of Economics" . It will be interesting to see what this comes up with seeing as the council is already spending vast amounts of money on the existing shopping centres - another example of the cart before the horse - surely you plan what you are going to do and then spend the money - not the other way round i.e. Wood Street, Bakers Arms, Leyton High Road etc.

Professor Tony Travers has been wheeled out by the TV channels for decades as the expert on London's economy so he should be able to identify the issues in Waltham Forest but what chance of the council taking any notice or action? More to the point what chance of them having any money left to take any action with!

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