Friday 13 September 2013

Save Lea Marshes Newsletter 6 Sept

Welcome to the Weekly Digest of SLM - aimed at keeping everyone interested and active in what's happening in the Lea Valley area and particularly in keeping the marshes "open, green and free for all".
Firstly, thank you to everyone who turned up for a "Walk on the Wildside" around the marshes on Sunday the 1st September, and especially to the new people who signed up to be kept informed and we hope, involved in the aims of SLM.  We were really pleased with the turnout - and the great weather!  Those of you who enjoy a group walk might also be interested to know that new friends at Hackney Hedge will be organising an autumnal nature walk looking at sloes, berries and what can be harvested.  There are two speakers - Phil from Urban Harvests and Rasheeqa from Hackney Hedges.  Meet:  2 pm at the Lee Valley Ice Centre on SUNDAY 15 SEPTEMBER.  Walk goes on until about 4.00.  Further information from rasheeqa@hedgeherbs.org
EAST MARSH - those of you who were going to turn up at Hackney Council Town Hall this coming Monday for the Planning Committee, with your pitchforks please note:  THE REPORT ON THE CAR PARK HAS BEEN POSTPONED TO ANOTHER MEETING.  Members of SLM had been saying that the Council had not followed proper timing procedures on this, but we don't know if this is the reason it has been withdrawn or not ...
MARSH LANE BRIDGE - this "contraversial" bridge which was put in at huge expense and not really necessary - over in Leyton, was completed last week.  One of our intrepid campaigners has received a late reply from a planning officer in the London Borough of Waltham Forest (LBWF), that the proper approvals for flood prevention work, were not applied for to the Environment Agency  (EA).  If the EA find that the breach of works does not meet the proper criteria, this will have to be remedied.  However, if the EA are satisfied it may be quietly dropped.  Any bets?  Watch this space.
LEA BRIDGE ROAD BICYCLE LANES -  This Wednesday's Evening Standard featured a story on "Eight Boroughs", being considered for funding for improvement of cycling facilities by the Mayor of London.  LBWF has a plan under consideration for the stretch along the Lea Bridge Road and a "Dutch-Style" cycling roundabout at Whipps Cross.  According to our sources, the Cycling Liaison Officer for LBWF wants to avoid one of the blue superhighways in favour of a more segregated scheme - which it seems the new Mayor's Cycling Czar Andrew Gilligan also doesn't favour in view of the European position on this.  Although, SLM would like to see improvements for cycling (and pedestrians), we are mindful of the threat of road-widening though the area and don't want to see this done in order to push through further development.
DEFRA - as if murdering badgers was not enough, the Environment Minister Owen Patterson, now wants to give building developers another helping hand at the expense of our wildlife.  A consultation paper was launched on 5 September.  This is an open call for people to write and make their views known: https://consult.defra.gov.uk/biodiversity_offsetting.  If the proposals go ahead it means that developers will be able to develop any piece of land, as long as they choose to offset another piece of land for biodiversity.  This really demonstrates utter contempt for the environment.  As anyone with the slightest knowledge of biodiversity knows, it takes a great deal of time to develop proper habitats and further more, those of us who have witnessed the shocking work of the Sports Turf Research Institute, employed by the ODA, quite frankly have little faith in in being done properly.  Consultation ends on 7 November and a paper is expected by the end of the year.  People of Britain our wildlife needs you to protest!
"LOSING THE MARSHES FILM" - anyone who needs a quick reminder of the need to keep our marshes open and green can view this film on Monday 9 September at 7.30 at the Kenton Arms, 38 Kenton Road, E9 or on Wednesday 20th November at the Red Gallery, 3 Rivington Street, EC2.  See the website www.losingthemarshes.com and screenerwww.youtube.com/watch?v=sq5gB94D5sM 
LEE VALLEY REGIONAL PARK AUTHORITY "COUNTRYSIDE LIVE" EVENT - this event is being put back on Leyton Marsh again, as strangely enough the area could not be used last year, due to an unsightly and unnecessary development, authorised by the very body which is now promoting its version of "countryside".  Funny that!  Anyone who does want to go it is on the weekend of 28-29th September.  Those with better taste can enjoy the third CLAPTON FESTIVAL, which is also on 28th September, where there shouldn't be any stalls supporting the Countryside Alliance.
TRAINING - Voluntary Action Waltham Forest - are organising some useful and practical courses for people involved in running voluntary organisations in the area.  Contact: Sarah.kitson@voluntary-action-wf.org.uk for further information.  VAWF give very good support to local charities and campaigns.
NEXT SLM MEETING - this will be on Tuesday 10 September at 7.30 in the Princess of Wales pub, Lea Bridge Road - all welcome.

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