Monday 21 October 2013

Council Flag Poles

As the Council's on-line Planning Application system is having its usual hissy fit I can't get to the plans for eight 9m flagpoles , one at each of these sites:

Alliston House  2013/1504/LA
Juniper House 2013/1510/LA
The Pavilion 2013/1505/LA
Leyton Sports Ground 2013/1512/LA
George Mason Lodge 2013/1509/LA
Leytonstone Library 2013/1511/LA
215 Queens Road 2013/1508/LA
Lloyds Park 2013/1514/LA

Does anyone know what they are to be used for? - I don't need to know it is for flying flags!! and at what cost?

Having now spoken to the planning department it appears the Leader wants to fly the Union Jack around the Borough!

One of the best hissy fits the system has thrown up is this week. It is showing a new application 2013/0035/LA for the Big Screen in Walthamstow Town Centre requesting comments by the 1st November 2013 despite also showing the Planning Committee approved it on the 6th March 2013!!

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