Sunday 27 October 2013

London Wildlife Trust Meeting

A date for your diaries…..  

London Wildlife Trust are holding a debate on the afternoon of Tuesday  12th November.  We’ve been conducting an audit of biodiversity conservation delivery in London (with GiGL), given that there are new processes in progress, with others seemingly have been dropped.

The need for this work became clear once the changes triggered by the Natural Environment White Paper of 2011 started to take shape. The paper introduced a range of mechanisms and new ways of delivering biodiversity conservation, but against a backdrop of public funding cuts and a focus on jobs and economic growth.

This raises important questions for those working in the conservation sector, including:
·         What are we in danger of losing from the legacy of our collective conservation action over the last 25 years?
·         Will these new mechanisms deliver on biodiversity?
·         Where will the resources come from?
·         Are we adequately exploring new paradigms and opportunities?
·         How best do we rise to the challenges of a city that is changing from what we’ve been used to?

We’re holding the event in The Scott Room, The Guardian, King’s Place, N1 9GU, from 15.00-17.00.  With refreshments.

We’ve lined up a number of speakers to present some quickfire context, thoughts and proposals, and we want this to stimulate debate.

If you are interested in attending please contact Emily Wilson ewilson@wildlondon.org.uk.

Apologies for any cross-postings. We look forward to seeing you there.


Mathew Frith
Director of Policy & Planning
Direct line: 0207 803 4292

Please keep an eye out for deer in London – contribute to our deer survey 2013

London Wildlife Trust
Protecting London’s wildlife for the future

Skyline House, 200 Union Street, London SE1 0LX
Tel:  020 7261 0447
Fax: 020 7633 0811

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