Wednesday 9 October 2013

Queens Road to Walthamstow Central footpath - latest delay excuses!

Dear All,
The very latest from the Council this afternoon is that the Oyster readers are now to be located at the foot of the new ramp, where it joins the existing footbridge. A ticket vending machine (TVM) is to be located at the entrance in Edison Close and as this will be outside the railway boundary planning permission is equired.

The completion of the footpath from Edison Close across the Walthamstow Central car park will also require planning permission and is now expected to be completed in February 2014!

BGORUG will be pressing to get the Edison Close station entrance open as soon as the Oyster readers are installed and working, we believe LOROL would allow ticketless passengers to cross the bridge to use the existing TVM until the new one in Edison Close was brought into use. 

Glenn Wallis
Barking - Gospel Oak Rail User Group

Sent: Tuesday, 1 October 2013, 23:41

Dear All,
The latest position that I am aware of is that there has been another meeting between LBWF and London Overground (not sure which bit) to agree a modification to the provision of Oyster readers. These will now be located within the railway boundary where the new ramp meets the station footbridge and a ticket vending machine (TVM) will be located on borough land just outside the railway boundary at the new entrance.
There is no clarity regarding exactly what is "a deal breaker" that would prevent the new entrance from opening. London Overground Rail Operations Ltd (LOROL) maintain that they are happy to open the entrance as soon as the Oyster readers are installed and working but believe that the Council is objecting to the entrance opening until the Council has functioning CCTV installed in Edison Close. The Council has merely stated that it believes that the CCTV in Edison Close will be working by the time the Oyster readers are installed. LOROL extended the station CCTV system to cover the new entrance some time ago.
BGORUG agrees with LOROL in that the new entrance should be opened as soon as the Oyster readers are installed and working. We expect the new entrance to be very popular, even without the full footpath link to the Walthamstow Central car park and that the additional foot traffic in Edison Close and Exeter Road will be a sufficient deterent to crime regardless of the installation of CCTV. It is understood that the footpath from Edison Close to Walthamstow Central will be completed by the end of December.
I will try to keep everyone informed of developments as I hear of them.
Kind regards
Glenn Wallis
Barking - Gospel Oak Rail User Group

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