Sunday 27 October 2013

SLM Newsletter

EVENTS:  I'm kicking of with good news first.  SLM are organising three events aimed at increasing awareness of the need to protect and nurture our marsh lands.  Firstly, we are organising a Fundraising Quiz at the Hare & Hounds on Lea Bridge Road next Friday 25 October at 7.00.  Entry fee is £1.50 and there will be a raffle, prizes for the quiz winners and the launch of our brand new Heron Logo T shirts for sale.  So to paraphrase David Cameron - if you are worried about heating your home as prices rise - put on another T shirt.  The pub will also be putting on a good menu of tempting food.  The very next day (Saturday) - "The Marshman Cometh".  There will be a reading from "The Marshman's" new book being read by candlelight, at the Old Changing Rooms, Hackney Marsh, near Cow Bridge in Hackney.  Dress warmly, bring a tea light in a jam jar and something warm to drink in a flask.  On Sunday 1 December, we are holding another cross-marsh meeting, where local groups and individuals who care about the future of our marshes, will gather at the Red Room, Rose & Crown, Wathamstow (2-4 p.m.) to discuss the recent London Wildlife Trust's bio-diversity report, commissioned by the Lee Valley Regional Park Authority (LVRPA), on the lack of bio diversity Olympic Legacy.  Lastly, you still have time to go and see the "Reclaim the Marshes" painting exhibition at Springfield Park Café, until 4 November.  All of these events are posted on the SLM Website and Blog.

F.O.I. - Freedom of Information Act request (Ref. FERO484371) - thanks to the dogged persistence of one of our "Terriers" (note: not Terrorists) the I.O.C. now say that due to the level of public interest in Leyton Marsh - details of staff and contractors involved in the so-called restoration, previously omitted should be named.

REPARATIONS - continuing on the theme of reparations, an SLM representative has written to the CEO of the LVRPA Shaun Dawson to query the amount of money (£73k), mentioned in the LVRPA's minutes of the 20 June 2013, and to remind him about future User Forums.  A response is awaited.

LVRPA ACCOUNTS - we are monitoring the expenditure of the LVRPA (which due to its statute) doesn't come under the responsibility of an Ombudsman.  Current concerns include the amount of money the LVRPA could have to pay out if they inherit the Olympic Legacy Velodrome.  Following a tripartite arrangement between the LVRPA, ODA and Sports England, they could face having to pay out £87m.  When the current lands held are an estimated £78m.  We hope we are wrong.  Likewise the Waterworks projects don't seem to be yielding expected cash.  Whilst being angry at decisions taken by the LVRPA, we are not entirely unsympathetic about  the reality of trying to make some sustainable income from the land in the face of overwhelming odds, but we just want them to be more open to ideas, local knowledge and better cost analysis.

NEWS FROM FRIENDS - Stokey Local campaigning against the Sainsbury's/apartment developments that would overshadow Abney Park and add an unnecessary supermarket to the area want people to sign or re-sign the latest petitionhttp://tinyurl.co./p97snn5  and or attend an event to discuss the latest objects to the 3rd. planning applicationhttp://stokeylocalsocial.eventbrite.com Sadly, we heard from Friends of Belair Park news of a felled orchard in Southwark. better news from Forage London's October Newsletter and Blog http://forageLondon.co.uk on mushroom and other autumnal foraging and news of a possible foraging event in November to register for. 
Look forward to seeing you all at the Quiz Event on Friday and/or the Marshman evening next Saturday.

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