Sunday 27 October 2013

William Morris Ward - Big Local


The deadline to comment on the Big Local plan is the end of this Friday, 25 October.

You can see the plan – and the comments so far – by going to wmbiglocal.org (click the ‘Our Big Local Plan’ tab).  Apologies – I gave the wrong web address in an earlier email, there is no ‘.uk’ at the end of it.

If you want to add your comment, you can do so directly on the website, or you email me, or hand a message to Gulsun at the Priory Court Community Centre.

The Partnership will be meeting on 7th November to go through your comments, prior to submission of the plan.

Can I also remind everybody of the community get together, running on 2 November, at Priory Court?  There will be more reminders…

We are looking for volunteers to put posters up next week advertising the event, and to help out with various tasks on the day itself, please get in touch if you can spare some time.



Daniel Gordon
William Morris Big Local
07913 207 462

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