Friday 22 November 2013

Fuel Poverty

Fuel Poverty: Towards integrated approaches to health, energy, social justice and climate change

This one day FREE conference is relevant for you if you
·      work in the voluntary & community, statutory, housing, health, employment or energy sectors
·      advise / support people in fuel poverty or who might be at risk of fuel poverty
·      support /advise organisations that provide services to people in fuel poverty
Also with the Energy Bill due to become law, the time for positive and integrated action is now!

Date: 10th December from 10.30 am (registration from 10am) till 17.00pm

We have a great line up of speakers:
·         Jenny Saunders OBE, member of the Fuel Poverty Advisory Group (FPAG is an advisory non-departmental public body of the Department of Energy & Climate Change ) and CEO National Energy Action
·         Murad Qureshi, Chair of the Environment Committee, London Assembly members, Greater London Authority
·         Christina Marriott, Senior Manager addressing health inequalities, NHS England
·         Ed Matthew, Director Energy Bill Revolution
·         Mary Milne, Senior Campaigns Officer, Age UK
·         Jane Landon, Director of Policy & Deputy CEO, UK Health Forum
·         Agamemnon Otero, CEO Repowering London

Fuel poverty is a major problem across London. Action and policy change is needed on a large scale, to cut energy waste in this city, to improve health, increase employment opportunities and save lives and to create warm homes for all Londoners. This event will seek to bring together organisations that work to tackle fuel poverty with social housing landlords, local authorities, public health agencies, community and residents associations, environmental organisations, energy companies, academics and government bodies to identify new integrated approaches to health, energy social justice and climate change.

There will be a range of practical workshops on: local community & housing association energy and efficiency schemes; lobbying & campaigning, working with local authorities and trusts and others. Confirmed workshop presenters are from Repowering London, Energise Barnet and Living under One Sun.

The event will be chaired by Chris Church from Community Environment Associates

This event has been organised by the London Voluntary Sector Council’s Climate Change Leaders for a Low Carbon London project

More information about the event and booking details are available on the LVSC website

For more information you can also contact Sandra van der Feen: email: sandra@lvsc.org.uk (Mon-Fri) or Tel: 020 7832 5830 (Mon-Wed)

Best wishes


Sandra van der Feen

Policy Officer
London Voluntary Service Council (LVSC)
200a Pentonville Road
London N1 9JP
Twitter: @lvscnews

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Sandra van der Feen

Policy Officer
London Voluntary Service Council (LVSC)
200a Pentonville Road
London N1 9JP
Twitter: @lvscnews

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