Friday 15 November 2013

Leyton Leisure Lagoon redesign problems

I spoke to Ella, Manager Leyton Leisure Centre, yesterday, having previously spoken to the duty manager last Thurs.  I had also completed the Customer survey last week.  In my opinion and that of lots of other users  I have spoken to the refurbished facility whilst looking very pretty,  is not fit for purpose and some terrible design errors and decisions have been made.
My urgent reason to speak to Ella yesterday was, however, about the very slippery floor in the Studio, it was not slippery last week and it seems perhaps some inappropriate cleaning product had been used. Ella said she would investigate and rectify this.
I also wanted the contact details of the appropriate person to whom to list my concerns - no it goes beyond concerns - which is the word we're supposed to use - to outright disgust that someone has been paid good money (our money) to design the refurbishment.
Some unbelievably ridiculous decisions have been taken  (toilet facilities).  In addition we have lost the opportunity to offer an improved facility - the spa area - which has been taken from us.
I attach some thoughts (very rough notes) which I have every good intention of using as a basis of a petition.  Ella and I also discussed the general apathy the public suffer from as the reason for their being very little public feedback, However interestingly my conversation/ complaints with her duty manager the previous week had not got back to her.
I would be happy to meet with anyone in the position of decision maker to discuss/elaborate on my concerns and in particular with a view to rectify the appalling toilet situation and making sure the same mistakes (spa area) and lack of consideration for customer needs are not repeated at Cathall and other facilities.
I look forward to your reply, Maureen Jethwa - (GLL member and  Waltham Forest resident)


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