Friday 1 November 2013

Losing the Marshes Premier

Immediate news release
Losing the Marshes Premier
I’m very happy to announce the premier screening of losing the Marshes, a true story of the Olympics on the 12th November, at Red Gallery, Making Something Out Of Nothing season. This screening will be free and there’ll be a panelled discussion after the screening that will be filmed on the issues raised and attempt to look at the bigger picture around the world. I am very proud of this film, and if I’m honest amazed it actually is finished considering the difficulties that it and I have faces to make it. I hope you can attend the premier.
Thank you to those who attended either of the test screenings, your feedback was invaluable and helped to complete the film. Losing the Marshes has been the most difficult and challenging film I’ve made with the edit taking 4x longer than any other film; this was down to the complexity of the subject, which spans over 100 years and the amount of footage shot.
Losing the Marshes is my 2nd feature documentary after Carnaby St Undressed a social history of London’s swinging 60s’, which continues to be broadcast in the UK. I am very excited to premier it atRed Gallery’s Making something Out Of Nothing season. It’s very fitting as every broadcaster and funding body approached expressed the importance of the film but said they couldn’t help. Shot on the very best broadcast equipment Losing the Marshes has had to be begged, pleaded, borrowed and fitted around others films and commercial and marketing work to get it made. Everyone in, or who worked on the film has done so out of their own charity, from the composing and recording of the original music score, photography, the promotion and equipment, I have been humbled by their generosity.
I hope to see you all at the screening,
Best wishes, Kym Oeser
Red Gallery, Making Something Out Of Nothing 7th-13th
1-3 Rivington Street
London EC2A 3DT
020 7613 3620
Making Something Out Of Nothing, RED GALLERY examines the intersection of ideas, identities, and the commodification of ‘cool’ in the cosmopolis, by bringing together academics, creatives, innovators, and social entrepreneurs, with a series of programmes that explore the implications of subculture, identity, ownership, technology, cultural echoes and migrancy.
Shot over 5 years, Losing the Marshes observes the changing landscape of the area and the people that surround the Olympic site one of the most deprived areas of Britain and leaves us wondering what will be the Olympic legacy.
This is the story of how property developers bought public land, using public money for private profit under the guise of the Olympic Games. The official cost of £9.2billion, differs from news agencies and independent observers who’s estimate this cost between £18-24billion far from the original budget of £2.6billion. Losing the Marshes, a true story of the Olympics is about the role of public space; it’s importance and how urban communities coexist. This is the story of what this land was and how it was stolen.
Notes to Editors
Relevant material can be found at:
Communications, Losing the Marshes: Michael Burke 07809 266 619
Producer, Losing the Marshes: Kym Oeser 07879 497 794
Orange Leaf Productions is a registered limited company. This is the second feature film release. Orange Leaf holds a gold award for in-style marketing.


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