Monday 11 November 2013

Neighbourhood Planning

What do you want for Christmas?

We had the pleasure of being invited to an invitation only event this week to hear an expert panel talk about neighbourhood planning. We were invited by Civic Voice supporter URS Corporation
As part of the event, Land Securities put forward a Christmas wish list to the Planning Minister, Nick Boles MP. The wish list from Land Securities included:
  • Announcing more Enterprise Zones with simplified planning regimes within them
  • Temporarily removing the need to obtain planning permission for schemes with 100% affordable housing as well as providing more support for the private rented sector
  • Giving Local Enterprise Partnerships ‘teeth’ to force difficult strategic decisions 
The Planning Minister then asked the invited guests to each send him their own "12 wishes for Christmas".  Civic Voice will be responding to the Planning Minister in person and by letter before Christmas, so we would welcome hearing from our members what you think should be on a civic movement wish list for Christmas.
Any questions we receive will feed into our manifesto thinking.
Pleasse send in your Christmas wish list suggestions (before December 1st) to info@civicvoice.org.uk.

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