Friday 15 November 2013

Philippines Appeal

Dear Adrian
I'm writing from the international climate talks in Warsaw, where our thoughts are with the people of the Philippines facing the devastating aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan.
Right now, their most urgent needs are for water, food and shelter. We hope you'll consider donating to the Disasters Emergency Committee.
Donate now to the relief appeal.
Here in Warsaw, world politicians are meeting to negotiate how to tackle climate change. Whilst typhoons and hurricanes happen every year, further climate change is likely to make such storms more extreme and more devastating.
Yeb Saño, the lead climate negotiator for the Philippines is here too, fighting for the people of his country and calling for tougher action to tackle climate change:
"What my country is going through as a result of this extreme climate event is madness. The climate crisis is madness....let Poland be forever known as the place where we truly cared to stop this madness".
Take action today to help stop this madness.
In Warsaw the Friends of the Earth delegation has been supporting Yeb Saño's calls. But with your help we can do more.
In a week's time, our climate change Minister Ed Davey will be here in Warsaw to lead negotiations on behalf of the UK. He has the chance to push for a global agreement to support countries suffering from the impacts of climate change.
Ask Ed Davey to stand up for countries affected by climate change.
In solidarity from Warsaw,

Asad Rehman
Climate and Energy Team

I have a family interest in this - here is my son-in-law when we took a holiday on Flower Island in the Palawan Islands of the Philippines:

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