Friday 22 November 2013

Planning Committee 3rd December


The Planning Committee meets for the last time this year on the 3rd December at 7pm with an enormous agenda so what the chances of them completing their deliberations are goodness knows!

Here are the highlights:

1. South Grove - Morrisons supermarket - 130 objections including 63 standard letters which means 67 original objections were received. Of course the officers recommend GRANT permission. My guess for the voting  7 in favour 0 against!

2. Lincolns Pub in Leytonstone High Road - now demolished and plans for a 5 storey block of 17 flats to be considered. Officers recommend GRANT permission. 10 objections received. My guess for the voting 5 in favour and 2 against.

3. 8 Flag Poles around the Borough - only conditional permission recommended by the officers.  No representations, last item on agenda 7 in favour 0 against!!

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